Appreciation Week
Recap our Week
Originally June 16-23,2020
Schedule Below
More to follow for May 2-021
TUEsday JUne 16
Kick-off Terrapin Appreciation Week Video (replay)
Wednesday June 17
Terrapin Hatchling Overview (view here)
"A Tale of Two Turtles" Zoom Presentation with
Dr. Russell Burke, Hofstra University, NY (view replay)
Thursday June 18
Mermaid Brizo Reading “What Type of Turtle Am I"
Terrapin Bingo (Great Job Cassie and Kenzie)
Save Barnegat Bay Research Presentations (live replay)
Friday JUne 19
Jenkinson’s AquariumTerrapin Feeding (Thanks Jenks)
Jenkinson's Aquarium Family Activities
Saturday June 20
Long Beach Township Field Station Terrapin Presentation Live (Thanks Angela for a great interview session)
Terrapin Troubles Podcast with The Conserve Wildlife Foundation of NJ and Project Terrapin
Sunday JUne 21
Diamondback Terrapin Habitat Overview (YouTube)
Terrapin Craft and Lesson Video
Monday June 22
Meet the Hatchlings - live from MATES (Video)
Tuesday June 23